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With our family-first approach, we apply 13 progam modules along with attentive mentoring activities to address a range of issues impacting the family dynamic & the individual client. 


Positive Role Models

in History 

We use historic and ancestral identity to support positive self-image and build  confidence. Combined with family assistance, focus is captured and directed in a positive direction.   


Developing a Family Tree


The family tree exercise builds on the role model module and  goes deeper into family and ancestral identity. The discoveries from this activity expand the thinking and consideration of their own lineage. 


Understanding the Power of Purpose

Exploring the questions "What is my purpose," or "what is my why," forces the youth to consider other possibilities than their current circumstances opening the way for healing & behavior change. 

Group Bonding

Personal Development 


We identify the current stage of development based on age and circumstances and begin to explore healthy psychological, physical, and emotional development. 


Self-care & Personal Development-

This module helps youth begin to understand their personal needs & preferences and how to fulfill them in a healthy constructive way as it related to their personal goals. 


Home Life & Finance

Understanding finances and the activities of everyday life enlighten youth to understanding their responsibilities in and around the home and family unit. 

Graduation Ceremony

Career Development

This module provides a guide to thinking about the future such as career and education choices, what is required to fulfill these choices as it relates to their current behavior and attitude.   

Wall Clock

Time Management & Organization Skills

We teach why being aware of time and being organized are approached in this module with time tracking exercises, goal setting, and strategy development.  

dancing in purple pants

Cultural Arts


A deeper understanding of culture & art instill an appreciation for how art impacts life as it relates to their cultural identity and how art helps shape greater society. 

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Understanding Law Enforcement

Supporting a deeper look into both sides of interactions with law enforcement, respect for authority, gauging interactions, and creating positive outcomes.


Clarification of Values & Socialization 

Tying into previous modules, this area focuses on redefining values based on what has been learned and creating new value systems to support their goals.  


Emotional Awareness  & Anger Management

This module will uncover emotional barriers and triggers to anger as a response mechanism. Relating these responses to career & goals drives a new perspective on what is possible.

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