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Night with the PROS - How to Better Connect with Sons (2).png
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9.7.21 - How We Build Our Health.png
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3.23.21 - Tales From the Manhood - VandyWalt Harris Interviewed by Pastor Vandy Simmons
00:00 / 1:04:07
3.9.21 - Walter Shields - Service and MeWalter Shields, Jr.
00:00 / 57:38
2.23.21 - Tales from the Manhood - AnthoAnthony Blaylock
00:00 / 1:19:59
2.9.21 - Eddie Truck Gordon - Enough Is Eddie Truck Gordon
00:00 / 1:16:31
1.19.21 - Tales from Manhood - Pastor FrPastor Frankey Grayton Interview
00:00 / 55:57
1.5.21 - Dr. Calvin Ellison - Evolving MDr. Calvin Ellison
00:00 / 1:01:16
12.15.20 - Tales from the Manhood - ThomThomas Gadsden & Pastor Angelo Ellison
00:00 / 1:09:04
12.1.20 - Apostle Gerald Gordon - KingdoApostle Gerald Gordon - Kingdom Minded Man Mentality
00:00 / 55:01
11.17.20 - Pastor Frankey Grayton - A MaPastor Frankey Grayton - A Man And His Mission
00:00 / 45:55
11.10.20 - Minister Joyce Anusiem - The Joyce Anusiem - 1st 25 minutes
00:00 / 1:26:27
10.27.20 - Susan Buckson - Fathers CultiSusan Buckson
00:00 / 1:00:50
10.13.20 - Minister Joyce Anusiem - The Minister Joyce Anusiem
00:00 / 49:00
9.29.20 - Stan Smith - The Great ResponsStan Smith
00:00 / 1:00:01
9.22.20 - Pastor Michael Anderson - His Pastor Michael Anderson
00:00 / 45:16
9.8.20 - Stanley D. Williams - Staying FApostle Dr. Stanley D. Williams
00:00 / 1:07:31
8.18.20 - Bishop William T. Frye - Men CBishop William T. Frye
00:00 / 54:37
8.4.20 - Pastor Susan Buckson - How FathPastor Susan Buckson
00:00 / 1:14:39
7.21.20 - Men Carrying Men - Pastor RonaPastor Ronald Engram
00:00 / 45:54
7.7.20 - Merlin English - Part 2 - RacisMerlin English
00:00 / 1:15:02
6.23.20 - Pastor Vandy Simmons - The RigThe Right One At The Table
00:00 / 48:25
6.2.20 - Merlin English - Racism in AmerMerlin English - Racism In America: Violence Without Consequence
00:00 / 1:03:38
5.12.20 - Troy Bowers - Put Christ in EvPutting Christ In Everything
00:00 / 1:02:23
4.28.20 - Apostle Leonard Edwards - PrayApostle Leonard Edwards - Prayer
00:00 / 58:49
4.14.20 - Vandy Simmons Overcoming GiantOvercoming Giants. In it together.
00:00 / 55:20
Ginell-Traci - 3.31.20The Ideal Team Player
00:00 / 37:10
Barbershop Salon ForumBarbershop Salon Forum
00:00 / 1:20:33
2.18.20 - Judge Arlene J McGruder - MaleArlene J. McGruder
00:00 / 44:27
2.4.20 - Dr. Jonathan Grant - RedefiningPastor Nick Travitt
00:00 / 44:50
1.21.20 - Pastor Nick Travitt - Its Not Pastor Nick Travitt
00:00 / 44:54
1.14.20 - Walt Harris - Getting Better.mWalt Harris
00:00 / 43:39
12.25.19 - Apostle Kevin Jefferson.mp3Apostle Kevin Jefferson
00:00 / 42:57
11.12.19 - Darryl T. Canady.mp3Darryl T. Canady
00:00 / 42:53
We Must Fight ColorismDalton Kornegay
00:00 / 01:04
3.23.21 - Tales From the Manhood - VandyWalt Harris Interviewed by Pastor Vandy Simmons
00:00 / 1:04:07
3.16.21 - Apostle Gerald Gordon - The MaApostle Gerald Gordon
00:00 / 1:05:41
3.2.21 - Pastor William L. Neill - The MPastor William Neill
00:00 / 54:00
2.16.21 - Rev. Fer-Rell M. Malone - StarRev. Fer-Rell M. Malone
00:00 / 1:00:05
2.2.21 - Tales From Manhood - Troy BowerTroy Bowers Interview
00:00 / 1:25:46
1.12.21 - Pastor Stanley Williams - ConsPastor Stanley Williams
00:00 / 55:27
12.22.20 - Christmas Blessing MixerWhy don't people read the Bible
00:00 / 1:12:04
12.8.20 - Pastor Frankey Grayton - AlwayPastor Frankey Grayton
00:00 / 1:03:38
11.24.20 - Tales from the Manhood - WaltWalt Harris & Stan Smith Interview
00:00 / 1:07:52
11.10.20 - Pastor Angelo Ellison - A Strategy for Rebuilding Pastor Angelo Ellison - Last Hour
00:00 / 1:26:27
11.3.20 - Keon Reid - The Morphing Man 2Keon Reid
00:00 / 1:04:18
10.20.20 - Tod S. Rose - Fulfilling the Tod S. Rose
00:00 / 53:04
10.6.20 - Dr. Peter Gleg - Inspiring, GuDr. Peter Gleg
00:00 / 1:05:38
9.15.20 - Rev. Dr. Gregory Eason - RestoRev. Dr. Gregory Eason
00:00 / 52:00
9.1.20 - Keon Reid - The Morphing Man.mpKeon Reid
00:00 / 58:57
8.25.20 - Eric L. Griffin - The Engaged Bishop William T. Frye
00:00 / 51:04
8.11.20 - Minister Joyce Anusiem - Power of Parenting 2Minister Joyce Anusiem
00:00 / 1:02:27
7.28.20 - Minister Joyce Anusiem - PowerMinister Joyce Anusiem
00:00 / 1:02:27
7.14.20 - Stan Smith - Part 2 Great RespStan Smith
00:00 / 1:19:17
6.30.20 - Bishop Johnathan Alavarado - SBishop Johnathan Alvarado - Service With Excellence & Grace
00:00 / 1:33:38
6.9.20 - Stan Smith - Responsibilities GStan Smith - The Responibilities God Gave Men
00:00 / 51:38
5.19.20 - Tarsha L. Campbell - Winning MTarsha L. Campbell - Winning Men Win When they Pray And Contend
00:00 / 45:18
5.5.20 - Apostle Leonard Edwards 2 - TheOvercoming Giants. In it together.
00:00 / 56:56
4.21.20 - Prof. Keith Smith - ImportanceThe Importance of Membership to African American Males
00:00 / 50:57
Barbershop Salon - Part 2Part 2 - Barbershop Salon Forum
00:00 / 1:19:22
3.17.20 - Tod S. Rose - GOD SCIENCE 2.mpTod S. Rose
00:00 / 44:26
2.25.20 - Tod S. Rose -GOD SCIENCETod S. Rose
00:00 / 45:00
2.11.20 - Walt Harris Turning Up for GodWalt Harris
00:00 / 50:31
1.29.20 - Bishop Vonzell Castilla - MighPastor Nick Travitt
00:00 / 42:51
1.7.20 - Dr. Calvin Ellison - Becoming aDr. Calvin Ellison
00:00 / 50:15
12.10.19 - Arlene J. McGruder - Pillars Arlene J. McGruder
00:00 / 42:36
11.5.19 - Maurice Donte Edwards.mp3Maurice Edwards
00:00 / 50:41
What Makes A ManMatthew Spriggs
00:00 / 01:04



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